Soundboards are available in Adirondack, Sitka, or Englemann Spruce. Red Maple, Sugar Maple, or Bigleaf Maple are available for backs/sides/necks. Complete sets of maple are $65-$250. Included in orders for a complete set of mandolin wood are tone bars, lining wood, and blocking material.  Pictures representing each grade can be found below the price list.


Note: Several other grades/appearances are available. We have bearclaw sets and other special grades, for example “Gilchrist grade.” This is a type of red spruce we began selecting during Stephen Gilchrist’s many year residency here at Old Standard Wood. This wood is chosen for the presence of “Hardline” or darkened grainlines, a stiffer and, in some cases, slightly harder spruce. Although red spruce is a very consistent wood, we occasionally encounter lower density sets and put these aside as a separate selection.

Adirondack Red Spruce  ( A-model billets discounted if available)

Artist Grade +

-very close even grain
-no color
-appearance equal to best of any species

$65 - $100
Or more for special selections

Artist Grade

-even appearance to grain
-10 – 20 grains per inch, fine grain along joint little or no color

$50 - $65

Excellent Grade

-10-20 grains per inch but less even
-may be minor color or dark grained areas
-appearance still very good

$25 - $45

Common Grade

-open or uneven grain
-more significant color or areas of darker grain
-reasonable appearance for sunburst finish
-tonally equal to higher grades


Maple Back, Sides and Neck
Price range for complete set of maple

Artist Grade +

-spectacular curl depth
-consistent color and uniform appearance of grain

Sugar Maple: $200 and up

Red Maple:  $200 and up

Artist Grade

-strong figure
-impressive depth and evenness of curl
-exceeds most makers expectations for figured maple

Sugar Maple: $100 - $175

Red Maple:  $100 - $175

Excellent Grade

-strong, regular figure
-little or no fading across pattern

Sugar Maple:  $85

Red Maple:  $85


Common Grade

-medium curl depth or less regular flame
-curl readily visible
-easier to carve than the higher grades

Sugar Maple:  $40 - $60 Some very low figure

Red Maple:  $65

Slab Cut – Figure has a rippled appearance, curl has a tendency to fork and overlap. Often available in one piece backs.

Spiral Cut – Near quartered at joint to slab cut in outer bouts. Curl is expressed as stripes which snake, bend and fork.

Quarter Cut – Straight or slanted stripes of “fiddleback” appearance to curl. Occasionally one piece quartered available.

Necks Only - $35 Low figure - $100 Deeply figured

Sides Only - $15 - $25

Flat Mandolins: Complete Set- Red Spruce Top, Back, Sides and Neck $45-$125  
(Includes Brace and Lining Material)

*Thin/Flat cut maple and spruce, along with odd-sized neck blocks and sides, are available for everything from dulcimers to bouzoukis to octave mandolins. Please inquire for specific sets.